Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011

10 Ways to Improve Performance in Schools

10 how important you can do to improve achievement in schools:
1. Be a leader. Train a sense of responsibility.When the teacher asked for your help to do things such as cleaning the classroom, do not hesitate to accept it. Invite a few classmates and lead them to clean the class together.2. Listen to the teacher with a good explanation.Answer any questions asked by teachers if you know the answer. Do not wait for the teacher to call you to answer questions.3. Do not be shy to ask.Always ask questions to teachers if it does not understand about something.4. Do your homework well, do not always find reasons not to do it.Do not be lazy to do homework with reason forget or procrastinate do it. Not bad if we're quick to do homework, so still have plenty of time to play and watch TV deh!5. Every home from school, always repeat the lesson that was taught.Later when there are repeated so not much to be learned! Fun!6. Enough rest, eat and play.Everything is done in a balanced way. After school, we often want a quick play and forget all the other important things, such as meals and rest. And after a day at school, do not feel our body requires extra energy input that can be obtained from the break and the food we eat. Therefore we must be able to devote time to eat, rest and play. If everything is done properly, so the body fresh every day! So do not often sleepy in class!7. Many practice lessons that are less preferred.If you do not like a subject, eg mathematics, the many-many are practicing, take a course or study groups with friends. After learning to play and add new friends on the course. Besides, who knows from less like math, you even like it.8.Follow ektrakurikuler activities you like.Find out what works and activities you like. For example, if you like learning tae kwon do, try to follow the course of these activities, so in addition to learning the lessons taught in school, you also can get additional lessons outside school.
9. Find a good mentor.Parents are the best mentors than teachers. If there are less obvious from the description of teachers in school, you can ask them to parents. In addition, you also can learn from a friend who excel.10. Do not like to cheat a friend.If you cheat, you can be stupid because they do not think for themselves. Moreover, not necessarily, that you contek friend answered the questions correctly.Not to mention if discovered another teacher and friend, shame is not it? If you study hard, must be able to answer all questions correctly so that repetition can be good value.

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