Minggu, 27 Maret 2011

contoh mencerita pengalaman pribadi dengan bahasa inggris


   My name is Zakyyah Rofifah . I was born in Bandarlampung. March 13 1997, So now I am 14 years old. I am the first child in my family . I do not have sister and brother. I am daughter of Mr. Sunaryo and Ms. lis purwantari. I am very happy have parents like them. 
  My hobbies are chatting, play, read comic, singing,etc. My favorite food are meatball, friendrice, chocolate, ice cream, etc. I am good, helpfull, funny, cheerful, humble, and Iam not hot head. 
  I began my education in kingdergarden AL-AZHAR 4. After that I continued in elementary school (SDN 1 PERUMNAS WAY HALIM). I got precious experience there. I grad ated from elementary in 2008. Then on july 2088, I continue in junior high school (SMP AL-AZHAR 3). I got new story, new experience, and many new friends. There very fun. 

Boleh disalin atau dicopy . boleh untuk tugas-tugas disekolah anda :D 


Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011

Merawat baterai laptop

Merawat baterai laptop

Merawat baterai laptop – Tips kali ini kami akan membahas tentang cara merawat baterai laptop. Baterai adalah salah satu bagian yang esensial di laptop, bayangkan laptop harus selalu membutuhkan catu daya listrik setiap kali dihidupkan. Tentu nilai guna laptop agak berkurang. Untuk itulah diperlukan sedikit pengetahuan untuk dapat memaksimalkan daya tahan baterai laptop kita. Baterai [...]]