I live a full dikomplek cinnamon population and housing ...I have a nosy neighbor and wickedly namely reynal, riski, yeyen, shape,Tangka and others. My Neighbors the average guy in all of my girlfriend because girls are less bersolisasi same dikomplek just my own neighbors bersolisasi same girl who my neighbors: D prior to my new neighbors I'm not teasing each other neighbors, but since I know at my new neighbors in always taunted me ever since then he's rarely played together as people. My new neighbor was named Kiki Rizki school ... but if my new neighbor was the person I used to know quiet and spoiled. But lately ni he's a bit grumpy at me .. bdoamtlah hahah: D already 3 years I was ridiculed and dikatain strange as my neighbor. kirain my neighbor, I like the new neighbors do not like me when I just think he's a friend not more. Well lately i ni teleponan sms's and new neighbors but that all of us as friends deket each side but now my enemies and break up friendships and friendships ... it's all because he is a selfish nature and sensitive .. and my selfish nature to him .. It has gone well mah let go by now I still have many friends who love me and love .. dlu I remember when playing with people I invited him to play ball together and there kiki do not want to kick to the keeper of my hahahlebeh: D then also I dikerjain with all my neighbors, I was told so he's always had a plan for me hu ngerjain whatever my neighbor it: D I also used to play badminton as my neighbor two opposing teams of two teams .. kiki reynal same, I just adek my cousin. The name of my cousin adek yoga she always makes me not bored at home always. Oh yes badminton game actually fits me lazy because there's kiki? Hahaha: P but never mind me, it was my team that won the race it hehehehe: D lots of things sad or happy story in a play together at all my neighbors. Although my neighbor on the annoying but I am quite happy playing with her man .. hahaha if my neighbor lonely without my driveway I could not invite anyone to play. Hahaha I am not the only child there who would not be invited to play .. fortunately there is an annoying my neighbors .. apparently there are lessons from my neighbor's annoying ...hahahahahahaha: D: D: D: P: D
Companions are the life within me that I could know ngimana keaadan sad and happy moment that's what I think is her name, friends' whether it's where your best friend? ".. friend is a friend or relative who deket a term such as a bond that we feel .. : D I many friends who loved me sincerely apaanpun he asked of me he just wanted Seeing me smile always and be happy ..Formerly I was picking a friend or friends .. but semenjakku dijauhin from friends and my friends .. I just realized how important it really is not our sense FRIENDS picking out friends or friends of the physical, material, and its .. : D we have to accept what is our friend and our friends can not pick and choose your friends ... I noticed in the past but my kesalahku dah rose in the past and open a new chapter to be better than the last day without a friend ... we can not live for keeping the problems we face life. We must share the issue with friends who can ngertiin sahabatlah only we could encourage and excite us in the ugliness .. rate the companions of the positive not the negative .. not all have the heart with his own friends being injured while sad .. where there is a best friend who hates his own best friend .. sometimes my friends and I argue it is just something not important .. but we fight a few minutes or hours we're cool again ... it was good to have good friends and fun .. it's our hearts are so peaceful .. all my friends are happy too happy, sad or happy when my friend and I will happy sad: '(because the friend's one heart that felt best friend .. we feel it is only true friends can make our life more meaningful and beautiful for ever ..
LOVE is something we need to fill vacancies beloved heart. LOVE it easy to understand and hard to understand .. not all people understand and comprehend the meaning of true love .. good times my love when it starts and begins with a deep hatred of the beloved and love .. somehow I could fall in love with him and love him .. what due to aging of the meranjak teens yes!Each met with him my heart feels deg degan hahaha: DBut he ngedinginin me everytime I'm looking for attention ... sweet smile and her behavior struck me ..hahaha: D is for me always pictured her face, but he was sometimes nice to me sometimes .. since he likes my friend started that I think my love to him is reduced. There is a beautiful thing when I felt close to him it was cool and calm .. paint the beauty of it all yourself you're just what I want haha: D but sometimes I just want to forget this life but he always appeared in my life .. there is one event occurrence that makes me realize what this feels like I felt he did not like me he prefers the other woman is my best friend .. I was also surprised she said that the love of my own best friend but I have to accept it all, one day he asked me to help my friend let me try to accept his love but brave effort in front of him and happy terliat .. he is also my best friend but my best friend since he tried to forget his love refused and approached me .. "whatever it is she thinking pattern" since it was the closeness I started walking with him, disuatu when friends he gave me was my number ngerjain him for kicks only. Its theme was angry with me he could not accept he remove my number from him telling me that he remove them but he refused, she may love me when I'm not in love with him .. given since I know her number, I smsan and teleponan always to him or her for two weeks. Then we became friends, and day after day passed along.So before we break up a friendship birthday she somehow caused the misunderstanding by each party .. he decided that friendship so that I succumb to a case that too .. so that our conflicts, we do not communicate anymore and not box-boxed .. it broke up and destroyed friendships, and The conflict is still running and we hate each other one another that assumes he is my enemy .. haripun day walk with me back down all the problems I encountered who apologized to him, we eventually revert back but only as a friend only and not more than that .. so I conclude that love is not all should have, but we see our loved ones happy we too bahgia .. maybe tomorrow is more beautiful to fix all the things that have happened in this story: D
NAKAL and spoiled cat
I have many cats at home and nurtured and loved. My friend is lonely at home when nobody can play with ..they comfort him when sad hehehe: D I sometimes understand what he was talking about .. because I already care about all my cats .. I passionately look ridiculous their strange behavior that often do they suppose that he was when the morning screaming in front of the house because he knows that he has provided a breakfast food, and a funny incident when he was ordered to pretend he was passed out like a faint moving hehehehe: D But of all the properties he was there that I was not particularly fond of my cat likes it naughty ngengelus my feet .. hehehe this cat normal cat whose name he had no name Unyil wkwkwkwkwk midget: DI once had a persian cat named DOLY I was given a cat with my new mom friends two or three days I've menyanyanginya and care for her super-super tight, but because he was a rogue who often climb the table once, ngacak-random kitchen, and climbed into the basket bed. so that he's given to someone else to be maintained .. I iklas it made him too and I'm good. I still remember him he was a funny behavior he always slept on the floor when I'm heard conflicting english song he went straight to sleep with lelapnya .. now I only have 3 cats are cute and dear to me even though he was not a Persian cat. But I'll always remember the days terakir we laluin with my other cats and doly ..
Too many beautiful memories of strange and funny in my friendship ..It all started from the behavior of my own best friend hahaha: D the first, when searching polibek and fertile soil for the task of natural science (IPA) and my friend / my friend is a friend whose name Wahyuni bench: D we are looking into the park pkor way halimBandarlampung there a lot of people selling flowers ..wahyuni trip when my friend saw a madman he was immediately amused and laughed at the sight of a lunatic, I immediately started laughing too hahahaha .. we finally arrived at the destination to find there and to let polibek hard to finally see it .. also polibek and fertile soil,, in the fertile soil there are small worms that make wahyuni akhrinya amused and laugh .. I intentionally to mengerjainnya with worms who I hold my throw wahyuni he scared me with the worm until after kejalanan hahahaha: P he ran as fast as the energy .. hu hu hu: OThe second, which happened when school breaks when I dikantin, dj, and I sahbat ayu we kekantin to find food for the rest, me and dj wait and occupy the seat for later kalu food we eat is not as it stands ..sehingganya ayu so that ordering and delivering food to our uduk rice .. I was quite concerned with her because she laughed at, because he held three rice dishes delivered to our uduk he viewed as greedy people who carry a lot of food ... hahahahahahahaha there me and dj laughed to see him conduct hehehe: O while the third anniversary of the fifteenth fina we celebrate it,, when I was thrown eggs at home fina and sahbabat sayapun taxable .. I want to work on fina to throw eggs .. my pocket when sitting with ayu, which I kantongin telurpun broken and wet my skirt, so I'm embarrassed when diliat fina friends and my best friend at that time, then I replaced a pair of school sports hehehe: D fourth birthday when the incident fina lia also my friend wants to ride her skirt was torn when a large rock near the house she brought shame and fina sahbat I nor my friends and laughing as fina lia torn skirt with a crick sound .. lia says ouch like this where I am torn skirt hahaha: D yes laughed hmhmhmhmhm: O and lia also replace the skirt with shorts too hehehe so our twinning.The fifth when he dj talkative talkative when he shouted ayang if not his hand up hahahaha: D if I kagetin him he hit my head and even then without realizing he hahahahaha: D sixth home when it sahbatku fatria also sya and mainlah dj ghost in his house to watch movies .. there I was told to burn a little yarn and then I burn er dibajunya poorer shirt dj fire fortunately there are memandamkan fatria dress was shocked and hot when her clothes on fire hahahahaha there-there just happened? The seventh when fina retractable pull together our people he screamed hahahaha: D the eighth when ayu fed garbage kekotak hahaha: D we people are funny and challenging game that our friendship .. hahahahahahahhahahahaha
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