If you live in big cities, many pollution increase the level of difficulty to apply to live "healthy" at this time.Especially with the choice of food is very varied.Whether it's nutritious foods or even foods that arehigh in fat. But we should still try to be able to runhealthy living, especially menerapkah live "healthy" forour children.
Here's a trick so that we can stay healthy in the midst of "attacks" of pollution:
1. Note the nutritious food
Apart from 4 healthy meals 5 perfect, which suggests the high calcium-containing snacks. Simply put, if the body fit, naturally we will be more resistant to pollution,including substances that are not needed for the body.
2. Exercise Routine
Exercise makes the body's metabolism, the better so that is always ready to catch and release substances that are harmful to the body including bacteria, virusesand pollutants.
3. Clean air at home
Using Air Conditioning (AC) is actually not verymeaningful. Instead of using the AC ground ozone,ozone can cause harmful because it is toxic. Better,provide as much ventilation as possible to get freshair. If want to use the air conditioner, choose a safe forthe environment (usually listed on the product). Do notforget to do regular maintenance, like cleaning the filter at least once a week and avoid the use of theconstant.
4. Greening the environment
Do greening at home. Why are plants so important?Because plants can inhale the particles (pollutants)that is free in the air.
5. Vacation to the mountains or beach
Allow the time for a vacation to a low-pollution areaslike the mountains or the beach. At least can berefreshing and makes us "escape" of pollution if onlytemporarily.
So, prepare yourself starting today to apply to live"healthy". Hopefully the tricks of the above useful!
Best friends with Nature
News floods and landslides followed one after anotheras if to fill the news on every television station. Not onlyin forest areas or remote villages, even urban areas.Addressed as a disaster or a result of human activities in the form of a warning nature?
Number of deforestation to be one cause flooding andlandslide prone. Various reforestation program has been announced by the government and society. In addition to monitoring and evaluation should be doneon an ongoing basis, public awareness to preservethe environment is very necessary.
Unfortunately, the awareness of conserving theseapparently been overlooked by the government andthe majority of our society. We'll see in urban areas.Apart from drainage problems, it needs to do somerevamping, greening the city also deserves theattention of local government. While waste disposal is not in place already clog the channels of water. Eventaking out the trash as small as candy wrappercarelessly done. This should be a concern of society.
While floods and landslides come, when the victimsbegan to fall, when losses began to count, what shouldwe do? There's always popping sounds "Who's wrong?". Society blames the government which is considered less responsive and agile to anticipateand prevent flooding. Coupled with the slow handlingof the flood victims. Instead the government blamedthe people who too wish to ask for help safety afterflooding occurred.
We should not have to blame one another. It is only theawareness to protect the environment we need. Whilethis holiday is the time for ourselves to promise tokeep the surrounding environment. The easiest thingto do is to dispose of waste in place.
Let us learn from the mistakes that have occurred anddo not repeat that mistake again.
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