Minggu, 27 Maret 2011

contoh mencerita pengalaman pribadi dengan bahasa inggris


   My name is Zakyyah Rofifah . I was born in Bandarlampung. March 13 1997, So now I am 14 years old. I am the first child in my family . I do not have sister and brother. I am daughter of Mr. Sunaryo and Ms. lis purwantari. I am very happy have parents like them. 
  My hobbies are chatting, play, read comic, singing,etc. My favorite food are meatball, friendrice, chocolate, ice cream, etc. I am good, helpfull, funny, cheerful, humble, and Iam not hot head. 
  I began my education in kingdergarden AL-AZHAR 4. After that I continued in elementary school (SDN 1 PERUMNAS WAY HALIM). I got precious experience there. I grad ated from elementary in 2008. Then on july 2088, I continue in junior high school (SMP AL-AZHAR 3). I got new story, new experience, and many new friends. There very fun. 

Boleh disalin atau dicopy . boleh untuk tugas-tugas disekolah anda :D 


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